Links for Palaeobotanists

An annotated collection of pointers to information on palaeobotany
or to WWW resources which may be of use to palaeobotanists (with an Upper Triassic bias).

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What´s New on Links for Palaeobotanists?

A. Molina-Solís et al. (2024): Macrofloral biostratigraphy reflects late Carboniferous vegetation dynamics in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais Coalfield, France. Open access, Papers in Palaeontology, 10.

K.J. Niklas and U. Kutschera (2009): The evolutionary development of plant body plans. In PDF, Functional Plant Biology, 36: 682-695.
See likewise here.

J.N.P. Rodríguez et al. (2024): A new species of the equisetalean plant Equicalastrobus from the Middle Triassic of Argentina. In PDF, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 69: 303–313.

! S.S. Renner and D.D. Sokoloff (2024): The sexual lability hypothesis for the origin of the land plant generation cycle. Open access, Current Biology, 34.
Note figure 1: Traits relevant to the evolution of the land plant sporophyte plotted on a phylogenetic scaffold.
Figure 2: The evolution of the sporophyte under the antithetic and homologous hypotheses.
Figure 4: The sexual lability hypothesis.

P. Aguado-Ramsay et al. (2023): Seeking the identity of an enigmatic moss by embracing phylogenomics. Free access, Journal of Systematics and Evolution.

A.L. Decombeix et al. (2023): Fossil evidence of tylosis formation in Late Devonian plants. In PDF, Nature Plants, 9.
See likewise here.
"... Tyloses are swellings of parenchyma cells into adjacent water-conducting cells that develop in vascular plants as part of heartwood formation or specifically in response to embolism and pathogen infection. Here we document tyloses in Late Devonian (approximately 360 Myr ago) Callixylon wood ..."

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Jet (gemstone).
Kategorie:Kohle (in German).
Gagat (in German).

A. Watkins (2024): Paleoclimate Proxies and the Benefits of Disunity. In PDF, Philosophy of Science. doi:10.1017/psa.2024.12.
See here as well.
Note figure 1: Global temperature reconstruction.
"... I describe two proxy data and measurement practices, regarding proxy calibration and proxy data infrastructure. I document how at least some data and measurement practices in paleoclimatology are disunified
[...] I argue that, perhaps counterintuitively, this lack of standardization and unification of proxy data and measurements has several benefits ..."

H. Klein et al. (2024): Peabody's legacy: the Moenkopi Formation (Middle Triassic, Anisian) tetrapod ichnofauna—updates from an extensive new tracksite in NE Arizona, USA. In PDF, PalZ, 98: 357-389.
See here as well.
"... The lack of Chirotherium sickleri supports former conclusions about paleobiogeographic peculiarities of the North American assemblage, if compared to early Anisian ichnoassociations of Europe, where Chirotherium barthii is commonly associated with C. sickleri ..."

! S. Dierickx et al. (2024): Non-destructive wood identification using X-ray µCT scanning: which resolution do we need? Open access, Plant Methods, 20. Note likewise here (in PDF).
"... There is, however, no standardized approach that determines the required resolution for proper wood identification using X-ray µCT. Here we compared X-ray µCT scans of 17 African wood species at four resolutions
[...] The results show the potential of X-ray µCT for non-destructive wood identification.
[...] The dataset of 17 scanned species is made available online and serves as the first step towards a reference database of scanned wood species ..."

E.J.T. Loewen et al. (2024): New Canadian amber deposit fills gap in fossil record near end-Cretaceous mass extinction. In PDF, Current Biology. See here as well.
"... we report a diverse amber assemblage from the Late Cretaceous (67.04 ± 0.16 Ma) of the Big Muddy Badlands, Canada. The new deposit fills a critical 16-million-year gap in the arthropod fossil record
Amber chemistry and stable isotopes suggest the amber was produced by coniferous (Cupressaceae) trees in a subtropical swamp ..."

M.R. Blatt et al. (2024): Photosynthesis and the stomatal nexus, past, present and future. Open access, Plant, Cell & Environment.

X.-D. Gou and Z. Feng (2024): Checklist of the Triassic wood (updated June 2024). Free access, Mesozoic, 1: 173-185.
"... The list contains 50 genera and 130 species of gymnospermous wood taxa documented from 16 countries across seven continents.
[...] Taxonomically, 7 genera and 8 species were documented from the Lower Triassic, 7 genera and 8 species from the Middle Triassic, and 37 genera and 98 species from the Upper Triassic ..."

Z. Wawrzyniak and P. Filipiak (2023): Fossil floral assemblage from the Upper Triassic Grabowa Formation (Upper Silesia, southern Poland). Free access, Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 93: 165–193.
See here as well.

! M.A.K. Lalica (2024): Evolutionary origins of secondary growth-the periderm perspective: Integrating evidence from fossils and living plants. Free access, Thesis, California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt.
Note figure 7: A model for the developmental sequence of wound-response periderm in early euphyllophytes.
Figure 15: Wound periderm in fossil plants.
"... Knowledge of periderm occurrences in the fossil record and living lineages outside the seed plants is limited and its evolutionary origins remain poorly explored
[...] I add new observations and experiments on living plant lineages and new occurrences from the fossil record. One of the latter, documented in the new early euphyllophyte species Nebuloxyla mikmaqiana, joins the oldest known periderm occurrences (Early Devonian), which allow me to construct a model for the development of wound-response periderm in early tracheophytes ..."

Heiko Possel (2020): SEO Mythen. In German.

W. Schneider and E. Salameh (2023): Effects on Sedimentary Processes via Upper Triassic Climate Forcing Caused by Multiple Impacting and Large Igneous Provinces (LIP)-Rifting/Degassing: Jordanian Platform/Arabian Plate and Germanic Basin/Central Europe. Free access, Open Journal of Geology, 13.
Note figure 5: Paleogeographic sketches of the Upper Triassic F. (Keuper), Germanic Basin: K2 Grabfeld F., K4 Exter F. (Rhaetian), Lower Jurassic. Figure 6: Strategraphy of the Germanic Basin.

H. Sato (2023): The evolution of ectomycorrhizal symbiosis in the Late Cretaceous is a key driver of explosive diversification in Agaricomycetes. Free access, New Phytologist, 241: 444-460.
Note figure 7: Historical character transition of ectomycorrhizal (EcM) symbiosis and dynamics of net diversification rates.
"... Ectomycorrhizal (EcM) symbiosis, a ubiquitous plant–fungus interaction in forests, evolved in parallel in fungi
[...] findings suggest that the evolution of EcM symbiosis in the Late Cretaceous, supposedly with coevolving EcM angiosperms, was the key drive of the explosive diversification in Agaricomycetes ..."

! T.J. Orr and E.M. Roberts (2024): A review and field guide for the standardized description and sampling of paleosols. Open access, Earth-Science Reviews, 253.
"... Paleosols are unrivaled terrestrial archives of paleoclimatic, paleoecological, and paleoenvironmental conditions
[...] we have illustrated and tabulated key paleosol features and classification schemes, including horizon determination and classification; ped determination and classification; mottle description; mineral accumulation description/morphology; burrow/chamber morphology and description; and rhizolith morphology and classification ..."

T. Yang et al. (2024): Megafossils of Betulaceae from the Oligocene of Qaidam Basin and their paleoenvironmental and phytogeographic implications. Open access, Plant Diversity, 44: 101-115.
Note figures 6, 7: Paleographic maps of the world during the late Paleogene.

M.P. D'Antonio and F. Herrera (2024): New Evidence of Unequal Branching in Stigmaria ficoides (Lycopsida). Open access, International Journal of Plant Sciences, 185.
"... Stigmaria ficoides is the main form species of rooting organ for late Paleozoic arborescent lycopsids in the families Diaphorodendraceae and Lepidodendraceae.
[...] we report two S. ficoides specimens based on the presence of the diagnostic rootlet scar pattern ..."

S.R. Manchester et al. 2024): Arctic walnuts! Nuts of Juglans (Juglandaceae) from the middle Eocene of Axel Heiberg Island, Northern Canada. Abstract, International journal of plant sciences. See also:
Palaeobotany: Three new extinct Walnut species discovered in mummified forest (by Hattie Russell, July 07, 2024, Meteored).

! J.E. Raffaghelli and S. Manca (2023): Exploring the social activity of open research data on ResearchGate: Implications for the data literacy of researchers. Open access, Online Information Review, 2023
See likewise here.
"... the study sheds light on data literacy requirements to promote social activity around ORD in the context of open science as a desirable frontier of practice ..."

A.J. Fajoye et al. (2023): Use of research gate as a veritable tool for educational development among undergraduate students. In PDF, KIU interdisciplinary Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4: 137-147.
See there as well.

M. Desai et al. (2023): Analyzing the Impact of Social Collaborations on Influence Identification in Scientific Literature Analytic: An Analysis on ResearchGate and Academia International Journal of Information Science, 21: 23-38.
"... Influence identification, one of the compelling applications of Social Network Analysis (SNA) is gaining immense attention in scientific literature analytics
[...] This research examines the impact of followers and followings on influence identification in the scientific domain
[...] The outcome suggested that, like SNA, social collaborations among researchers in terms of followers and followings significantly impact influence identification in the scientific domain ..."

R. Regener (2024): Open Access Green und ResearchGate&xnbsp;– Wie sollten Bibliotheken damit umgehen? Free access, in German. Bibliotheksdienst, 58: 194–205.
"... The article advocates a better understanding of ResearchGate‘s success story in order to gain more insights for further improvements and optimization of our library services in the area of Green Open Access ..."

Y. Niyazov et al. (2016): . Open Access Meets Discoverability: Citations to Articles Posted to PLoS ONE 11(2): e0148257. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0148257

Links for Palaeobotanists:
! ResearchGate and Other Academic Social-Networking Sites.

W.M.K. Matsumura et al. (2023): Plant Diversification Through the Devonian in Brazil. PDF file, in: Iannuzzi, R., Rößler, R., Kunzmann, L. (eds.): Brazilian Paleofloras. Springer.
See there as well.

! A. Swain (2024): Drivers of herbivore diversity decoupled by leveraging the fossil record. Open access, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A., 120.
"... Damage Types [...] denote functional classifications of insect herbivory on plants. These have remained consistently the same across hundreds of millions of years and therefore, can be used for comparisons across geographical space and geological time despite species turnovers ..."

Keywords: Paleobotany, Palaeobotany, Paläobotanik, Paleophytologist, Paleophytology, Palaeophytologist, Palaeophytology, Paleobotánica, Paléobotanique, Paleobotânica, Paleobotanico, Palaeobotanica, Paleobotanika, Paleobotaniky, Paleobotanikai, Paleobotaniikka, Paleontology, Palaeontology, Paläontologie, Paleobotánica, Paleontológico, Paleobotânicos, Paleobotaników, Botany, Fossil Plants, Paleovegetation, Palaeovegetation, Palaeophyticum, Paleophyticum, permineralized plants, petrified, cuticle, cuticles, charcoal, Palynology, Palynologie, Taphonomy, Tafonomía, paleosoil, palaeosoil, mesophytic, mesophyticum, Paläovegetation, Pflanzenfossilien, Evolution, Phylogeny, Triassic, Trias, Triásico, Keuper, Ladinian, Carnian, Norian, Rhaetian, Index, Link Page.

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This index is compiled and maintained by Klaus-Peter Kelber,
Last updated July 26, 2024

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A tag cloud of 100 links:
Early Land Plants International Palaeobotanical and Palaeontological Institutions Bacterial Biofilms (Microbial Mats) Progress in Palaeobotany and Palynology Tutorials, Tips and Tricks to Adobe Photoshop What´s New on Links for Palaeobotanists? Teaching Documents about Plant Anatomy Palynology Databases Palynology Palaeosoils Indexes in Palaeontology and Evolution Software for Palaeontology Early Triassic Floras Cellulose Peel Technique Biotic Recovery from the Permian-Triassic Mass Extinction Filicales Fungi The Rise of Oxygen Molecular Palaeobotany Fossil Animal Plant Interaction Teaching Documents about Taphonomy The Mass Extinction at the End of the Permian Pith Cast Preservation High Dynamic Range Imaging (HDR) Sphenophyta Looking for a Job Selected Geology Cuticles Playa Lakes (Endorheic Basins) Palaeobotanical, Botanical and Palaeontological Bibliographies Cyanobacteria and Stromatolites Search The Pros and Cons of Pre-Neogene Growth Rings Digital Image Processing Microscopy Writing, Translating and Drawing Angiosperms Bryophyta Triassic Palaeobotany, Palynology and Stratigraphy Fossil Charcoal Teaching Documents about Palaeobotany The Mass Extinction at the End of the Triassic Upcoming Meetings and Symposia Search for Literature Directories focused on Palaeobotany Virtual Field Trip Guides All about Upper Triassic Gymnosperms Grants and Funding Organisations Helpful Databases and Glossaries Stomatal Density Ginkgoales Teaching Documents Classical Textbooks and Monographs in Palaeobotany Focused on Palaeoclimate Job & Experience Bennettitales Evolution Sciences versus Doctrines of Creationism and Intelligent Design Sedimentology and Sedimentary Rocks Teaching Documents about Cladistics Permineralized Plants and Petrified Forests Plant Anatomy & Taxonomy Databases focused on Palaeobotany and Palaeontology Science History of Palaeobotany and Renowned Palaeobotanists Palaeoclimate Palaeobotany, Botany, and Palaeontology Journals Online Glossaries, Dictionaries and Encyclopedias Preservation & Taphonomy Stratigraphy and Facies of the European Keuper Insight into the Triassic World Plant Fossil Preservation Cycads Coal Petrology Open Access Publishing Focus Stacking (Photography, Extended Depth of Field) Teaching Documents about Classification and Phylogeny Fossil and Recent Plant Taxa Teaching Documents about Stratigraphy and Historical Geology Whole Plant Reconstructions Charcoal & Coal Petrology Pyrite Preservation Palaeobotanists Personal Pages Paleovegetation Reconstructions Palaeobotanical and Palaeontological Collections Taxonomy and Plant Classification Databases Photography and Scanning Software Ecology & Palaeoenvironment Leaf Size and Shape and the Reconstruction of Past Climates Palaeobotanical Tools Websites, showing Plant Fossils Conferences & List Server Pteridospermopsida Institutions & Organisations Abstracts- and Preprint Server Evolution & Extinction Lycophyta Riparian Habitats Teaching Documents about Botany Teaching Documents about Evolution

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